Did you know that over 90% of all donations provided to Tutor for Good are funded directly for tutoring?
Tutor for Good falls in a rare group of nonprofits that utilize at least 90% of all donated funds directly for program activity. In comparison to national standards, Tutor for Good ranks high for its utilization of funds.
“We have far exceeded the gold standard. We are at the platinum and diamond levels”.
-Zaria Chinelo, CEO
For example, the Better Business Bureau sets its minimum annual expenses for program activity at 65%, the American Institute of Philanthropy sets its minimum standard at 60% of expenses, and the United Way sets its minimum standards for agencies that receive funds at 80%. On the other hand, Tutor for Good internally sets its minimum standard at 90%. This means that at least 90% of all funds received from donors is used directly for providing free online tutoring sessions to students! As CEO, Zaria Chinelo, states: “We have far exceeded the gold standard. We are at the platinum and diamond levels”.
Tutor for Good is a verified nonprofit. We are privately funded by the American people and American businesses and do not receive any government funding. Learn more about donating to Tutor for Good at: http://tutorforgood.org/donate/